Travel | Landscapes | Wildlife

Can anything on Earth surpass Africa's wildlife and landscapes?
— Les Picker



Africa. The word triggers a visceral response in most photographers, and rightfully so. There are few places on Earth that so fully impact all five senses.

Photographically, the action never ends. Striking sunrises are followed by predators seeking elusive prey in their daily struggle to survive. A lone Acacia tree standing on a vast plain creates a stunning landscape. Orange sunsets are simply magnificent.

Here you are immersed in the sounds, smells and sights of raucous wildlife, as hundreds of thousands of migrating wildlife, gathered before your eyes, awaken your senses.

In the mountains of Uganda you can sit with a family of peaceful gorillas, an awe-filled and humbling experience, one that brings tears to first-time visitors. And the next day you can be on the vast plains of the famed Serengeti photographing a leopard napping in a tree or a cheetah racing for a kill.

Take a deep breath and gather in the landscapes that give life to all that moves in this fragile patch of Earth. Now you begin to understand the magic that makes these unique ecosystems work. You experience the same emotions that our human ancestors did.

Thank you for taking the time to peruse this collection. If you are interested in experiencing Africa first-hand, please visit my Adventure Tours section to see what photo adventures await. I look forward to you joining me.