If there is one thing I’ve learned it is that we are more alike than different.
— Les Picker
If there is one thing I’ve learned it is that we are more alike than different.
— Les Picker
In the end, it all comes down to people, doesn’t it? From birth to death, our lives are intertwined with our fellow humans, for good and for bad. Complex, loving, dysfunctional, intimate… whatever.
I have been blessed to be able to spend time with people of many different cultures throughout the world, sharing with them, learning from them, and photographing them in their everyday lives.
If there is one thing I’ve learned it is that we are more alike than different. We all want food to eat, a safe place to call home, however modest, intimate time with our families, fulfilling work, hope for the future.
Please join me as I take you through a tour of some of these experiences.